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Credit Card, Prepaid, DynamicQR, StaticQR APIs
Welcome to Cortina API Payment Solution. The Cortina is collection of API methods allow a payment gateway (an Integrator) to process payment via Nayax systems. Cortina supports the following payment methods -
- Credit Cards
- Prepaid Cards
- Static QR
- Dynamic QR
We are offering 2 payment flows to address your needs -
- Pre-authorization - A 2 steps payment approach in which Nayax first authorize hold on default amount in the consumer balance (prior to consumer choosing a product (/service)), following by a finalizing settlement on the actual amount according to the Product (/service) the consumer has received.
- Preselection - A 1 step sale approach in which the desired product (or a service) by the consumer is already known, and the payment will be on that actual amount.
The Age Verification flow provides a validation that the consumer's age is above a requested minimum. This flow is carried out before the payment flow, which means that first the age verification is performed, then the consumer can continue to choose the payment method and make the payment. The minimum age of the consumer is sent as part of the request.
We would love to here from you! You can use this form to leave us feedback/requests.
Initial Request Validation
TokenId | string 3rd party Secret Token reference number |
RandomNumber | string Nayax will create 27 char Random Number |
DynamicURL | string or null
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. |
{- "TokenId": "string",
- "RandomNumber": "string",
- "DynamicURL": "string",
- "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": "String",
- "Operator": "String",
- "Distributor": "String",
- "Actor": "String",
- "Machine": "String",
- "SoftDecline": "String"
{- "TranIDCipher": "string",
- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "string",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "string",
- "CustomDeclineCode": "string"
Optional method, Notify Sale Success, this method is called by Nayax to inform the integrator about a successful end of sale transaction.
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
DynamicURL | string or null
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584697384,
- "Amount": 5,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "071221132914",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "IsProductSelected": true,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1,
- "AuditNumber": 342,
- "NayaxRRN": "111111",
- "IsDeferredAuthorization": true,
- "AgeLimitation": 18,
- "IsSoftDeclineCompletion": true,
- "TransitElement": {
- "TransitTransactionType": 1,
- "DenyListIndication": 0
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "3584697388",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5.5,
- "SettAmount": 5.5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221133300",
- "SettDateTime": "071221133330",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false,
- "ProviderExternalData": "string",
- "InitiateTranReference": 11223344
}, - "DynamicURL": "string"
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "string",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "string",
- "CustomDeclineCode": "string"
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. |
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584697384,
- "Amount": 5,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "071221132914",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1,
- "AgeLimitation": 18
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0434324119376526",
- "FWVersion": " - Aug 25 2021"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "MerchantId": "999999888885",
- "DynamicURL": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "State",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "222222",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5,
- "SettAmount": 5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221132914",
- "SettDateTime": "12/7/2021 10:29:16 AM",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "555555",
- "AdditionalData": ""
Renew Key
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object (CurrentKeyData)
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584697384,
- "Amount": 5,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "071221132914",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "IsProductSelected": true,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1,
- "AuditNumber": 342,
- "NayaxRRN": "111111",
- "IsDeferredAuthorization": true,
- "AgeLimitation": 18,
- "IsSoftDeclineCompletion": true,
- "TransitElement": {
- "TransitTransactionType": 1,
- "DenyListIndication": 0
}, - "CurrentKeyData": {
- "ZpkId": 0,
- "ZmkId": 0,
- "Kcv": "string",
- "AlgorithmId": 0,
- "KeyFormatId": 0,
- "KeyProviderId": 0,
- "KeyRenewalDt": "2021-03-01 13:45:56.100",
- "KeyExpirationDt": "2021-03-01 13:45:56.100",
- "ExternalKeyId": 0,
- "ProviderId": 0
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "NewKeyData": {
- "EncryptedKeyValue": "string",
- "Kcv": "05A301",
- "ExternalKeyId": 1
This Section describes Credit Card transaction flow on Nayax Cortina V2, as well as API calls and parameters. Integrators (Payment Gateways) may use the Nayax Cortina Credit Card API to assure Credit Card payment via relevant Nayax devices such as VPOS Touch and Onyx.
'Cortina Credit Card' is a flow in which an Credit Card card are use directly on the Nayax point of sale device in order to perform a transaction. Cortina Credit Card supports 2 types of transactions -
- 'Pre-authorization' Flow
- Authorization request - Nayax request to temporarily hold credit in the consumer account balance.
- Settlement request – Nayax request to complete the transaction and to charge partial / full amount from the original authorization request.
- 'Preselection' Flow
- Sale Request - Nayax request to charge the consumer for a specific known amount in a single request.
Positive Preselection Scenario- (Non EMV or One Step EMV)
- For activity number 3.b – User failed to choose a valid product in time Scenario, please check the following process.
- For activity number 5.b - Start Session Failed Scenario, please check the following process.
- For activity number 6.b – Sale request Failed Scenario, please check the following process.
- For activity number 9.b – Vend Failed Scenario, please check the following process.
- For activity number 11.b – Sale End Notification Response Failed Scenario, please check the following process.
Positive Preselection Scenario- (Two Steps EMV)
The following list includes all the relevant codes for Cortina Credit Card:
[Int] 1000 – 15000
, default value is 15000.2
attempts to cancel/void the transaction with 30
seconds intervals between. For more details contact Nayax TPOC.object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
Array of objects or null (Product) | |
object or null (ECom3DSInfo) | |
object or null (DukptInfo) | |
object or null (EncryptInfo) |
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584697384,
- "Amount": 5,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "071221132914",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0434324119376526",
- "FWVersion": " - Aug 25 2021"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "MerchantId": "999999888885",
- "DynamicURL": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "State",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "****",
- "Machine": "****"
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "****",
- "EntryMode": "MCR",
- "ExpYear": "22",
- "ExpMonth": "12",
- "EMVData": " 9F360210119F6E04207000009F7C0C010A43415244164447499115",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "6",
- "PrimaryDescription": "VISA",
- "SecondaryId": "0",
- "SecondaryDescription": ""
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "222222",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5,
- "SettAmount": 5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221132914",
- "SettDateTime": "12/7/2021 10:29:16 AM",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "555555",
- "AdditionalData": ""
}, - "EMVTags": {
- "Tag91": "A93381BFF8C5E9EC0012",
- "Tag8A": "3030",
- "Tag71": "860D8424000008D466284E10D1FF7C",
- "Tag72": "860D8424000008D466284E10D1FF7C"
}, - "ECom3DSResponseInfo": {
- "ECom3DSStatus": 2,
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
Array of objects or null (Product) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (EncryptInfo) |
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "3584697388",
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584697388,
- "Amount": 3,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "071221133300",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0434324119376526",
- "FWVersion": " - Aug 25 2021"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "54321",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "MerchantId": "999999888885",
- "DynamicURL": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "State",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "****",
- "Machine": "****"
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "****",
- "EntryMode": "MCR",
- "ExpYear": "22",
- "ExpMonth": "12",
- "EMVData": " 9F360210119F6E04207000009F7C0C010A43415244164447499115",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "6",
- "PrimaryDescription": "VISA",
- "SecondaryId": "0",
- "SecondaryDescription": ""
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "3584697388",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221133300",
- "SettDateTime": "12/7/2021 10",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "3584697388",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221133300",
- "SettDateTime": "12/7/2021 10",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
}, - "Batch": {
- "BatchStatus": 0,
- "BatchId": 0,
- "AddToBatch": true,
- "DeleteFromBatch": true,
- "BatchTransactionId": "string",
- "OperationToPerform": 1
ReasonCode | integer <int16> |
ReasonText | string or null |
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (EncryptInfo) |
{- "ReasonCode": 0,
- "ReasonText": "Unknown Error",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584688030,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "291121220832",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0000000000000100",
- "FWVersion": ""
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "54321",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "MerchantId": "999999888885",
- "DynamicURL": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "State",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "****"
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "****",
- "EntryMode": "MCR",
- "ExpYear": "23",
- "ExpMonth": "01",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "8",
- "PrimaryDescription": "MASTERCARD",
- "SecondaryId": "0",
- "SecondaryDescription": ""
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "291121220832",
- "SettDateTime": "11/29/2021 7",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
Array of objects or null (Product) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (ECom3DSInfo) | |
object or null (DukptInfo) | |
object or null (EncryptInfo) |
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584688038,
- "Amount": 3.9,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "291121220837",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0000000000000100",
- "FWVersion": "unknown"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "MerchantId": "999999888885",
- "DynamicURL": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "State",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "****",
- "Machine": "****"
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "****",
- "EntryMode": "MCR",
- "ExpYear": "23",
- "ExpMonth": "01",
- "EMVData": " 9F360210119F6E04207000009F7C0C010A43415244164447499115",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "8",
- "PrimaryDescription": "MASTERCARD",
- "SecondaryId": "0",
- "SecondaryDescription": ""
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "222222",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 3.9,
- "SettAmount": 3.9,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "291121220837",
- "SettDateTime": "11/29/2021 7:08:37 PM",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "555555",
- "AdditionalData": ""
}, - "EMVTags": {
- "Tag91": "A93381BFF8C5E9EC0012",
- "Tag8A": "3030"
}, - "ECom3DSResponseInfo": {
- "ECom3DSStatus": 2,
ReasonCode | integer <int16> |
ReasonText | string or null |
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (EncryptInfo) |
{- "ReasonCode": 50,
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "12345",
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584701816,
- "Amount": 3.9,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "081221130018",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0000000000000100",
- "FWVersion": ""
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "54321",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "MerchantId": "999999888885",
- "DynamicURL": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "State",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "****",
- "Machine": "****"
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "****",
- "EntryMode": "MCR",
- "ExpYear": "23",
- "ExpMonth": "01",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "8",
- "PrimaryDescription": "MASTERCARD",
- "SecondaryId": "0",
- "SecondaryDescription": ""
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "12345",
- "AuthCode": "12345",
- "AuthAmount": 3.9,
- "SettAmount": 3.9,
- "RRN": "12345",
- "Token": "12345",
- "AuthDateTime": "12345",
- "SettDateTime": "12345",
- "TraceNumber": "12345",
- "AuthSource": "12345",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "",
- "AuthDateTime": "230221101008",
- "SettDateTime": "230221101009",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
ReasonCode | integer <int16> |
ReasonText | string or null |
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (EncryptInfo) |
{- "ReasonCode": 12,
- "ReasonText": "Cashless Refunded by Operator",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "S9IUQSOA46Z7MHZ51JQXB20HWRKEDC1F9LLV",
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584667527,
- "Amount": 3.9,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "201121220429",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "",
- "FWVersion": ""
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 0,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "54321",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "MerchantId": "999999888885",
- "DynamicURL": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "State",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "****",
- "Machine": "****"
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "****",
- "EntryMode": "MCR",
- "ExpYear": "23",
- "ExpMonth": "01",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "8",
- "PrimaryDescription": "MASTERCARD",
- "SecondaryId": "0",
- "SecondaryDescription": ""
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 3.9,
- "SettAmount": 3.9,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "201121220429",
- "SettDateTime": "11/20/2021 7",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
Array of objects or null (Product) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (EncryptInfo) |
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "3584697388",
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584697388,
- "Amount": 3,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "071221133300",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0434324119376526",
- "FWVersion": " - Aug 25 2021"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "54321",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "MerchantId": "999999888885",
- "DynamicURL": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "State",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "****",
- "Machine": "****"
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "****",
- "EntryMode": "MCR",
- "ExpYear": "22",
- "ExpMonth": "12",
- "EMVData": " 9F360210119F6E04207000009F7C0C010A43415244164447499115",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "6",
- "PrimaryDescription": "VISA",
- "SecondaryId": "0",
- "SecondaryDescription": ""
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "3584697388",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221133300",
- "SettDateTime": "12/7/2021 10",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "3584697388",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221133300",
- "SettDateTime": "12/7/2021 10",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
}, - "Batch": {
- "BatchStatus": 0,
- "BatchId": 0,
- "AddToBatch": true,
- "DeleteFromBatch": true,
- "BatchTransactionId": "string",
- "OperationToPerform": 1
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
Array of objects or null (Product) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (ECom3DSInfo) | |
object or null (DukptInfo) | |
object or null (EncryptInfo) |
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584688038,
- "Amount": 3.9,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "291121220837",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0000000000000100",
- "FWVersion": "unknown"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "MerchantId": "999999888885",
- "DynamicURL": "",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "State",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "****",
- "Machine": "****"
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "****",
- "EntryMode": "MCR",
- "ExpYear": "23",
- "ExpMonth": "01",
- "EMVData": " 9F360210119F6E04207000009F7C0C010A43415244164447499115",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "8",
- "PrimaryDescription": "MASTERCARD",
- "SecondaryId": "0",
- "SecondaryDescription": ""
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "222222",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 3.9,
- "SettAmount": 3.9,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "291121220837",
- "SettDateTime": "11/29/2021 7:08:37 PM",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "555555",
- "AdditionalData": ""
}, - "EMVTags": {
- "Tag91": "A93381BFF8C5E9EC0012",
- "Tag8A": "3030"
}, - "ECom3DSResponseInfo": {
- "ECom3DSStatus": 2,
This section describes Nayax Gateway External Prepaid V2 transaction flow, API calls and parameters. Integrators (Payment Gateways) can use the Nayax Cortina External Prepaid V2 API to confirm External Prepaid V2 payment on Nayax devices such as VPOS Touch and Onyx.
- To download the full Documentation Press here.
'Cortina External Prepaid V2' is a flow in which an external prepaid card are use directly on the Nayax point of sale device in order to perform a transaction. Cortina External Prepaid V2 supports 2 types of transactions -
- 'Pre-authorization' Flow
- Authorization - Nayax requests to temporarily hold credit in the consumer’s account balance.
- Settlement – Nayax requests to complete the transaction and to charge a partial / full amount from the original authorization request.
- 'Preselection' Flow
- Sale - Nayax requests to charge the consumer for a specific known amount in a single request.
- For activity number 3.b – User failed to choose a valid product in time Scenario, please check the following process.
- For activity number 5.b - Start Session Failed Scenario, please check the following process.
- For activity number 6.b – Sale request Failed Scenario, please check the following process.
- For activity number 9.b – Vend Failed Scenario, please check the following process.
- For activity number 11.b – Sale End Notification Response Failed Scenario, please check the following process.
The following list includes all the relevant codes for Cortina Cortina Prepaid:
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584697384,
- "Amount": 5,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "071221132914",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "IsProductSelected": true,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1,
- "AuditNumber": 342,
- "NayaxRRN": "111111",
- "IsDeferredAuthorization": true,
- "AgeLimitation": 18,
- "IsSoftDeclineCompletion": true,
- "TransitElement": {
- "TransitTransactionType": 1,
- "DenyListIndication": 0
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0434324119376526",
- "FWVersion": " - Aug 25 2021",
- "Type": "Onyx"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "ExternalId": "OperatorExternalID",
- "Type": "machine type",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "GroupId": "String",
- "OperatorId": 2001537302,
- "Region": "EU",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "22448Z",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA",
- "Intra": "Europe"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "Alabama",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River",
- "Latitude": 51.0003431,
- "Longitude": 23.745245
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "OperatorId": 2001537302,
- "OperatorName": "TestPayCC V2 OP _ Sub Merchant",
- "MerchantId": 999999888885,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA",
- "Intra": "Europe"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "Alabama",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River",
- "Latitude": 51.0003431,
- "Longitude": 23.745245
}, - "MCC": 455,
- "SubMerchantId": 999999888886
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": "String",
- "Operator": "String",
- "Distributor": "String",
- "Actor": "String",
- "Machine": "String",
- "SoftDecline": "String"
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "****",
- "EntryMode": "MCR",
- "ExpYear": "23",
- "ExpMonth": "01",
- "EMVData": "string",
- "CVV2": "****",
- "IDNumber": "****",
- "RandomNumber": "string",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "6",
- "PrimaryDescription": "VISA",
- "SecondaryId": "0",
- "SecondaryDescription": "string"
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder",
- "IsDebitCard": true
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "3584697388",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5.5,
- "SettAmount": 5.5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221133300",
- "SettDateTime": "071221133330",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false,
- "ProviderExternalData": "string",
- "InitiateTranReference": 11223344
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "string"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "AuthCode": 333333,
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": 111111,
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": 230221101008,
- "SettDateTime": 230221101009,
- "TraceNumber": 4444,
- "AuthSource": 555555,
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
}, - "Balance": {
- "RegularCreditType": 0,
- "RegularCredit": 0,
- "RevalueCredit": 0
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
Array of objects or null (Product) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "NayaxTransactionId": 0,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12,
- "MachineAuTime": "string",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "IsProductSelected": true
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "string",
- "FWVersion": "string",
- "Type": "ONYX"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "Region": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": 34.998819,
- "Latitude": 32.8198988
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "string",
- "NumericCode": "string",
- "Alpha2Code": "string",
- "Alpha3Code": "string"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": 34.998819,
- "Latitude": 32.8198988
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "string",
- "EntryMode": "string",
- "ExpYear": "string",
- "ExpMonth": "string",
- "EMVData": "string",
- "IDNumber": "string",
- "RandomNumber": "string",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "string",
- "PrimaryDescription": "string",
- "SecondaryId": "string"
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
}, - "Products": [
- {
- "Code": 11,
- "Name": "Stella",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "UnitOfMeasurement": "USD",
- "Measurement": false
}, - {
- "Code": 12,
- "Name": "expensiveSprite",
- "Price": 6,
- "UnitOfMeasurement": "USD",
- "Measurement": false
], - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "AuthCode": 333333,
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": 111111,
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": 230221101008,
- "SettDateTime": 230221101009,
- "TraceNumber": 4444,
- "AuthSource": 555555,
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
}, - "SecondaryDescription": "string"
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "string"
}, - "Balance": {
- "RegularCreditType": 0,
- "RegularCredit": 0,
- "RevalueCredit": 0
ReasonCode | integer <int16> |
ReasonText | string or null |
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "ReasonCode": 999,
- "ReasonText": "General exception",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "NayaxTransactionId": 0,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12,
- "MachineAuTime": "string",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "IsProductSelected": true
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "string",
- "FWVersion": "string",
- "Type": "ONYX"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "Region": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": 34.998819,
- "Latitude": 32.8198988
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "string",
- "NumericCode": "string",
- "Alpha2Code": "string",
- "Alpha3Code": "string"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": 34.998819,
- "Latitude": 32.8198988
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "string",
- "EntryMode": "string",
- "ExpYear": "string",
- "ExpMonth": "string",
- "EMVData": "string",
- "IDNumber": "string",
- "RandomNumber": "string",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "string",
- "PrimaryDescription": "string",
- "SecondaryId": "string",
- "SecondaryDescription": "string"
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "AuthCode": 333333,
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": 111111,
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": 230221101008,
- "SettDateTime": 230221101009,
- "TraceNumber": 4444,
- "AuthSource": 555555,
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "string"
}, - "Balance": {
- "RegularCreditType": 0,
- "RegularCredit": 0,
- "RevalueCredit": 0
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
Array of objects or null (Product) |
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "NayaxTransactionId": 0,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12,
- "MachineAuTime": "string",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "IsProductSelected": true
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "string",
- "FWVersion": "string",
- "Type": "ONYX"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "Region": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Type": "Food",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": 34.998819,
- "Latitude": 32.8198988
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "string",
- "NumericCode": "string",
- "Alpha2Code": "string",
- "Alpha3Code": "string"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": 34.998819,
- "Latitude": 32.8198988
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "string",
- "EntryMode": "string",
- "ExpYear": "string",
- "ExpMonth": "string",
- "EMVData": "string",
- "IDNumber": "string",
- "RandomNumber": "string",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "string",
- "PrimaryDescription": "string",
- "SecondaryId": "string",
- "SecondaryDescription": "string"
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "AuthCode": 333333,
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": 111111,
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": 230221101008,
- "SettDateTime": 230221101009,
- "TraceNumber": 4444,
- "AuthSource": 555555,
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
}, - "Products": [
- {
- "Code": 11,
- "Name": "Stella",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "UnitOfMeasurement": "USD",
- "Measurement": false
}, - {
- "Code": 12,
- "Name": "expensiveSprite",
- "Price": 6,
- "UnitOfMeasurement": "USD",
- "Measurement": false
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "string"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "AuthCode": 333333,
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": 111111,
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": 230221101008,
- "SettDateTime": 230221101009,
- "TraceNumber": 4444,
- "AuthSource": 555555,
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
}, - "Balance": {
- "RegularCreditType": 0,
- "RegularCredit": 0,
- "RevalueCredit": 0
ReasonCode | integer <int16> |
ReasonText | string or null |
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "ReasonCode": 999,
- "ReasonText": "General exception",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "NayaxTransactionId": 0,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12,
- "MachineAuTime": "string",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "IsProductSelected": true
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "string",
- "FWVersion": "string",
- "Type": "ONYX"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "Region": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": "double",
- "Latitude": "double"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "string",
- "NumericCode": "string",
- "Alpha2Code": "string",
- "Alpha3Code": "string"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": "double",
- "Latitude": "double"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "string",
- "EntryMode": "string",
- "ExpYear": "string",
- "ExpMonth": "string",
- "EMVData": "string",
- "IDNumber": "string",
- "RandomNumber": "string",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "string",
- "PrimaryDescription": "string",
- "SecondaryId": "string",
- "SecondaryDescription": "string"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "AuthCode": 333333,
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": 111111,
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": 230221101008,
- "SettDateTime": 230221101009,
- "TraceNumber": 4444,
- "AuthSource": 555555,
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "string"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "",
- "AuthDateTime": "230221101008",
- "SettDateTime": "230221101009",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
}, - "Balance": {
- "RegularCreditType": 0,
- "RegularCredit": 0,
- "RevalueCredit": 0
ReasonCode | integer <int16> |
ReasonText | string or null |
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (CardData) Additional data we read from the card (EMV data, expiration date, cvv2, etc.) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "ReasonCode": 999,
- "ReasonText": "General exception",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "NayaxTransactionId": 0,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12,
- "MachineAuTime": "string",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "IsProductSelected": true
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "string",
- "FWVersion": "string",
- "Type": "ONYX"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "Region": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": "double",
- "Latitude": "double"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "string",
- "NumericCode": "string",
- "Alpha2Code": "string",
- "Alpha3Code": "string"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Longitude": "double",
- "Latitude": "double"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "CardData": {
- "CardNumber": "string",
- "EntryMode": "string",
- "ExpYear": "string",
- "ExpMonth": "string",
- "EMVData": "string",
- "IDNumber": "string",
- "RandomNumber": "string",
- "BrandInfo": {
- "PrimaryId": "string",
- "PrimaryDescription": "string",
- "SecondaryId": "string",
- "SecondaryDescription": "string"
}, - "CardHolderName": "Test Card Holder"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": 2.3658433596983443e+35,
- "AuthCode": 333333,
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": 111111,
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": 230221101008,
- "SettDateTime": 230221101009,
- "TraceNumber": 4444,
- "AuthSource": 555555,
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "string"
}, - "Balance": {
- "RegularCreditType": 0,
- "RegularCredit": 0,
- "RevalueCredit": 0
This section describes the Nayax Gateway Static QR transaction flow, API calls and parameters. Integrators can use the Nayax Cortina Static QR API to process payment via Static QR payment on the following Nayax devices- VPOS Touch and Onyx.
Cortina 'Static QR' is a flow in which a fixed (Static) QR code is scanned to perform a transaction. Cortina Static QR supports 2 types of transactions -
- 'Pre-authorization' transaction, with a 2-step flow
- Authorization - Nayax requests to temporarily hold credit in the consumer account balance.
- Settlement – Nayax requests to complete the transaction and to charge a partial / full amount from the original authorization request.
- 'Preselection' transaction with a single step flow
- Sale - Nayax requests to charge the consumer for a specific known amount in a single request.
The following list includes all the relevant codes for Cortina Cortina StaticQR:
This method starts every transaction flow and informs Nayax that a consumer has been approached to an operator's machine. This method is called by the Integrator and provides Nayax with a transaction Id (Generated by the integrator and binds all Nayax-Integrator communication regarding a certain transaction), AppUserID, TerminalId, secret token, and App account balance.
The request should be sent to the following address:'s payment method name)/start
integratorName required | string Integrator name assigned by Nayax |
AppUserId | string
TerminalId | string
TransactionId | string
SecretToken | string
UniQR | string or null
Balance | number or null <double>
Array of objects or null (Product) | |
Data | string or null
{- "AppUserId": 111111,
- "TerminalId": 77788,
- "TransactionId": 12345678,
- "SecretToken": "43262a8f8136f704b3d42b3f116e4bb0c4bf69e6d3415aff6e2cb9dfe06630ff",
- "Balance": 0
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
Used in preauthorization cases (e.g., when a consumer starts a transaction, but the exact clearing amount will be defined later according to their uses), this method is called by Nayax and provides the integrator with relevant information to validate and authorize an ongoing transaction by the consumer based on their account. /Authorization request will temporarily hold credit in the consumer account balance as part of the transaction flows. This command must be followed by either settlement or cancel request.
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information |
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359,",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "string",
- "AuthCode": "string",
- "AuthAmount": 0,
- "SettAmount": 0,
- "RRN": "string",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "string",
- "SettDateTime": "string",
- "TraceNumber": "string",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
Upon successful dispense of a product/service by the operator's machine, Nayax will call this method to complete and capture the transaction with the integrator. This call will include the transaction’s final amount to be cleared by the integrator.
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
Array of objects or null (Product) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359,",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "Products": [
- {
- "Code": 0,
- "Name": "Stella",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "UnitOfMeasurement": "USD",
- "Measurement": 1
], - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "string",
- "AuthCode": "string",
- "AuthAmount": 0,
- "SettAmount": 0,
- "RRN": "string",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "string",
- "SettDateTime": "string",
- "TraceNumber": "string",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Declined",
- "Code": 10,
- "StatusMessage": "Amount is missing"
In events of revoking preauthorization process, this method is called by Nayax and provides the integrator with relevant information to revoke an ongoing instance of preauthorization transaction. Therefore, in such events this method (Cancel) will replace the settlement method and will release the temporarily captured credit in the consumer account. for example, in event such of Vend fail, authorization timeout, consumer manual cancels before choosing a product.
ReasonCode | integer <int16>
ReasonText | string
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information |
{- "ReasonCode": 2,
- "ReasonText": "Cashless cancelled by consumer",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359,",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "string",
- "AuthCode": "string",
- "AuthAmount": 0,
- "SettAmount": 0,
- "RRN": "string",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "string",
- "SettDateTime": "string",
- "TraceNumber": "string",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
Used in preselection cases (e.g., when a consumer starts a transaction, and the exact clearing amount is known), this method is called by Nayax and provides the integrator with relevant information to charge the consumer account balance for a specific amount in a single request.
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
Array of objects or null (Product) Mandatory Products details |
{- "ReasonCode": 0,
- "ReasonText": "string",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359,",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "Products": [
- {
- "Code": 0,
- "Name": "Stella",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "UnitOfMeasurement": "USD",
- "Measurement": 1
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "StatusMessage": "transaction approved"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "string",
- "AuthCode": "string",
- "AuthAmount": 0,
- "SettAmount": 0,
- "RRN": "string",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "string",
- "SettDateTime": "string",
- "TraceNumber": "string",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
This method is called by Nayax to void a previously successful payment request. For example, in cases such as vend failed, Cortina time out in /sale method, and device failed to produce settlement after a successful /Sale. Although in pre-selection cases /Void may resemble to /Refund method, /Void should always be implemented as it addresses different use cases.
ReasonCode | integer <int16>
ReasonText | string
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information |
{- "ReasonCode": 0,
- "ReasonText": "string",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359,",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "string",
- "AuthCode": "string",
- "AuthAmount": 0,
- "SettAmount": 0,
- "RRN": "string",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "string",
- "SettDateTime": "string",
- "TraceNumber": "string",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "",
- "AuthDateTime": "230221101008",
- "SettDateTime": "230221101009",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
This method is called by Nayax, within Nayax web system (DCS), to refund full/partial amount of the sale/settlement payment requests or a successful inquiry, for example due to an Application user’s complaint.
ReasonCode | integer <int16>
ReasonText | string
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "ReasonText": "string",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359,",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayStaticQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "string",
- "AuthCode": "string",
- "AuthAmount": 0,
- "SettAmount": 0,
- "RRN": "string",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "string",
- "SettDateTime": "string",
- "TraceNumber": "string",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": true
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
This section describes the Nayax Gateway Dynamic QR transaction flow, including API calls and parameters. The Nayax Cortina Dynamic QR API can be used to process payments on the following Nayax devices- VPOS Touch and Onyx.
'Dynamic QR' is a flow where each transaction has its own unique QR code that is generated and displayed for the application user to scan, in order to process the payment. Cortina Dynamic QR currently supports a ‘Preselection’ flow. Preselection is a one-step transaction flow where Nayax requests to charge the Application User a pre-known amount in a single request.
The following list includes all the relevant codes for Cortina Cortina DynamicQR:
This method is called by Nayax and provides the integrator with a transaction Id identification (Generated in /StartSession), required Amount, merchant, and Machine details (and more). The integrator Shall validate the information and respond with the Dynamic QR information to be displayed on the Nayax device accordingly.
ChannelId | integer or null <int32>
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
Array of objects or null or null (Product) | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "ChannelId": 19,
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359,",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CurrencyCode": "USD",
- "CurrencyNumeric": 376,
- "SiteId": 12
}, - "DeviceInfo": null,
- "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayDynamicQR V2",
- "TerminalId": 987654321,
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": 2,
- "GroupId": "Beverages",
- "OperatorId": 12345,
- "ZipCode": 10001,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "United States of America",
- "NumericCode": 840,
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001102296,
- "Name": "Far East Dev Zone",
- "OperatorId": 2000305191,
- "OperatorName": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": 10011
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": 12312312,
- "Operator": 123121434134,
- "Distributor": "superDistributor",
- "Actor": 12312312,
- "Machine": 131231348
}, - "Product": [
- {
- "Code": 11,
- "Name": "Stella",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "UnitOfMeasurement": "USD",
- "Measurement": 1
}, - {
- "Code": 456,
- "Name": "expensiveSprite",
- "Price": 600,
- "UnitOfMeasurement": "USD",
- "Measurement": 0
{- "QRCode": "DynamicQrResponse_QRCode_Test",
- "QRData": {
- "ChannelId": "19",
- "RRN": "111111",
- "SrvTranId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359"
}, - "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "additionalProperties": false
This method is called by Nayax to inquire the approval status of a Transaction ID. This call will include the transaction’s final amount and the transaction ID generated in the /GenerateQR call. An “Approved” response this call will usually attempt to vend/release the product. A “Decline” will terminate the transaction and a “Pending” response will trigger a subsequent /Inquiry request after a predefined time. Consult your Technical Point of Contact in Nayax to setup how many calls and how frequently should they be polled.
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
Array of objects or null (Product) | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
| |
object or null (Polling) |
{- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "Currency": "ILS",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "230221101008"
}, - "Products": [
- {
- "Code": 11,
- "Name": "Stella",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "UnitOfMeasurement": "Unit",
- "Measurement": 1
], - "DeviceInfo": {
- "Id": 0,
- "HwSerial": "0434324119376524",
- "FWVersion": " - Sep 22 2020",
- "Type": "ONYX"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayDynamicQR V2",
- "TerminalId": "987654321",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "2.00",
- "CountryCode": "US",
- "CountryISOCode": "USA",
- "Country": "UNITED STATES",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "Address": "TestPayDynamicQR V2",
- "ZipCode": "1223311"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001505522,
- "Name": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": "123456789",
- "CountryCode": "US"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "",
- "Machine": {
- "dynamic_qr_channels_rec_ids": "8,19"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359",
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
}, - "Polling": {
- "IsLastPolling": false,
- "PollingAttemptCounter": 30
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "Token": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester Token",
- "AuthDateTime": "230221101008",
- "SettDateTime": "230221101009",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "555555",
- "AdditionalData": ""
This method is called by Nayax, within Nayax web system (DCS), to refund full/partial amount of the sale/settlement payment requests or a successful inquiry, for example due to an Application user’s complaint.
ReasonCode | integer <int16>
ReasonText | string or null
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "ReasonCode": 0,
- "ReasonText": "string",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "NayaxTransactionId": 3584697384,
- "Amount": 5,
- "CurrencyCode": "ILS",
- "CurrencyNumeric": "376",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "071221132914",
- "TimeoutMS": 15000,
- "IsProductSelected": true,
- "PaymentMethodID": 1,
- "AuditNumber": 342,
- "NayaxRRN": "111111",
- "IsDeferredAuthorization": true,
- "AgeLimitation": 18,
- "IsSoftDeclineCompletion": true,
- "TransitElement": {
- "TransitTransactionType": 1,
- "DenyListIndication": 0
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "HwSerial": "0434324119376526",
- "FWVersion": " - Aug 25 2021",
- "Type": "Onyx"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 106791869,
- "Name": "Itai_TestPayCC V2",
- "ExternalId": "OperatorExternalID",
- "Type": "machine type",
- "TerminalId": "8888888844",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "3.00",
- "GroupId": "String",
- "OperatorId": 2001537302,
- "Region": "EU",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "ZipCode": "22448Z",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA",
- "Intra": "Europe"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "Alabama",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River",
- "Latitude": 51.0003431,
- "Longitude": 23.745245
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001537302,
- "Name": "TestPayCC V2 OP",
- "OperatorId": 2001537302,
- "OperatorName": "TestPayCC V2 OP _ Sub Merchant",
- "MerchantId": 999999888885,
- "Country": {
- "Name": "UNITED STATES",
- "NumericCode": "840",
- "Alpha2Code": "US",
- "Alpha3Code": "USA",
- "Intra": "Europe"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "Alabama",
- "City": "Zambezi",
- "CountryCode": "ZM",
- "ZipCode": "234234",
- "Address": "River",
- "Latitude": 51.0003431,
- "Longitude": 23.745245
}, - "MCC": 455,
- "SubMerchantId": 999999888886
}, - "CustomData": {
- "DirectActor": "String",
- "Operator": "String",
- "Distributor": "String",
- "Actor": "String",
- "Machine": "String",
- "SoftDecline": "String"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "3584697388",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5.5,
- "SettAmount": 5.5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221133300",
- "SettDateTime": "071221133330",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false,
- "ProviderExternalData": "string",
- "InitiateTranReference": 11223344
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "string",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "string",
- "CustomDeclineCode": "string"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "3584697388",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 5.5,
- "SettAmount": 5.5,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "string",
- "AuthDateTime": "071221133300",
- "SettDateTime": "071221133330",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "string",
- "AdditionalData": "string",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false,
- "ProviderExternalData": "string",
- "InitiateTranReference": 11223344
This method is called by Nayax to void a previously successful Inquiry payment requests (for example- in cases where product was not dispensed, or the machine has been timed-out). In some cases, this command may resemble the ‘effect’ of /Refund (in pre-selection cases) method. However, the /Void method should always be implemented nevertheless as it refers to a dedicated user story.
ReasonCode | integer <int16>
ReasonText | string or null
object or null (BasicInfo) Basic Information | |
object or null (DeviceInfo) Nayax Device Information | |
object or null (MachineInfo) Machine Information | |
object or null (ActorInfo) Merchant (aka: Actor) Information. | |
object or null (CustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. | |
object or null (PaymentInfo)
{- "ReasonCode": 3,
- "ReasonText": "Cashless Cancelled by machine",
- "BasicInfo": {
- "TransactionId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "Currency": "ILS",
- "SiteId": 1,
- "MachineAuTime": "230221121009"
}, - "DeviceInfo": {
- "Id": 0,
- "HwSerial": "0434324119376524",
- "FWVersion": "",
- "Type": "ONYX"
}, - "MachineInfo": {
- "Id": 869761713,
- "Name": "TestPayDynamicQR V2",
- "TerminalId": "987654321",
- "DecimalPlace": 2,
- "Offset": "2.00",
- "CountryCode": "US",
- "CountryISOCode": "USA",
- "Country": "UNITED STATES",
- "City": "Abbeville",
- "Address": "TestPayDynamicQR V2",
- "ZipCode": "1223311"
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 2001187922,
- "Name": "TanyaT_OP",
- "MerchantId": "123456789"
}, - "CustomData": {
- "Actor": "",
- "Machine": {
- "dynamic_qr_channels_rec_ids": "18,19"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "",
- "AuthDateTime": "230221101008",
- "SettDateTime": "230221101009",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
{- "Status": {
- "Verdict": "Approved",
- "Code": 0,
- "StatusMessage": "Cortina V2 Stub Tester"
}, - "PaymentInfo": {
- "SrvTranId": "236584335969834429321847829253667359",
- "AuthCode": "333333",
- "AuthAmount": 0.1,
- "SettAmount": 0.1,
- "RRN": "111111",
- "Token": "",
- "AuthDateTime": "230221101008",
- "SettDateTime": "230221101009",
- "TraceNumber": "4444",
- "AuthSource": "55555",
- "IsGatewayTimeout": false
When an operator adds a relevant payment provider that requires auto onboarding. This allows the payment provider to receive the relevant DCS 'Actors' information as defined in the Nayax system.
When an operator adds a relevant payment provider that requires auto onboarding. This allows the payment provider to receive the relevant DCS 'Machines' information as defined in the Nayax system.
object or null (OnboardingBasicInfo) Describing the onboarding Operation details | |
object or null (OnboardActorInfo) Actor info for onboarding | |
object or null (OnboardOperatorInfo) Operator info for onboarding | |
object or null (OnboardDistributorInfo) Distributor info for onboarding | |
UpdateInfo | Array of strings or null (OnboardUpdateInfo) |
object or null (OnboardCustomData) Custom Fields Information, Contact Nayax TPOC to define. |
{- "OnboardingBasicInfo": {
- "OnboardingOperation": 1,
- "OnboardingRequestId": 0,
- "TransactionID": 0,
- "SiteId": 0,
- "TimeoutMS": 0,
- "RequestTime": "string",
- "PaymentMethodID": 0,
- "BillingProviderID": 0,
- "OnboardingTransactionId": 0
}, - "ActorInfo": {
- "Id": 0,
- "Name": "string",
- "OperatorId": 0,
- "OperatorName": "string",
- "MerchantId": "string",
- "DynamicURL": "string",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "string",
- "NumericCode": "string",
- "Alpha2Code": "string",
- "Alpha3Code": "string"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Latitude": 0.1,
- "Longitude": 0.1
}, - "MCC": 0,
- "URL": "string",
- "UserName": "string",
- "Password": "string",
- "SubMerchantId": "string",
- "SubMerchantNumber": 0,
- "TerminalId": "string",
- "Key": "string",
- "AppId": "string",
- "CertPath": "string",
- "CertPass": "string",
- "ApiKey": "string",
- "OnboardingStatus": 0,
- "MerchantPhoneCountryCode": 0,
- "MerchantContactPhone": 0,
- "MerchantMobileCountryCode": 0,
- "MerchantContactMobile": 0,
- "ContactName": "string",
- "MerchantEmail": "string"
}, - "OperatorInfo": {
- "Id": 0,
- "Name": "string",
- "OperatorId": 0,
- "OperatorName": "string",
- "MerchantId": "string",
- "DynamicURL": "string",
- "Country": {
- "Name": "string",
- "NumericCode": "string",
- "Alpha2Code": "string",
- "Alpha3Code": "string"
}, - "GeoLocation": {
- "State": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string",
- "Address": "string",
- "Latitude": 0.1,
- "Longitude": 0.1
}, - "MCC": 0,
- "URL": "string",
- "UserName": "string",
- "Password": "string",
- "SubMerchantId": "string",
- "SubMerchantNumber": 0,
- "TerminalId": "string",
- "Key": "string",
- "AppId": "string",
- "CertPath": "string",
- "CertPass": "string",
- "ApiKey": "string",
- "OnboardingStatus": 0
}, - "DistributorInfo": {
- "Id": 0,
- "Name": "string",
- "OperatorId": 0,
- "OperatorName": "string",
- "MerchantId": "string",
- "DynamicURL": "string",
- "Country": {